We are having a Science Night at Sagamore Hills Elementary. We would love to have an astronomy station that kids could rotate through. The station could be inside or outside. Our Science Night is similar the the Science Night that Kittredge Magnet School does. Kittredge has used AAC for this event.

Date: Thursday, 2/23/2012

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Eastern

Location: Sagamore Hills Elementary, 1865 Alderbrook Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30345

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  • Sunset Image
    Sunset: 6:29 PM
  • Waxing Crescent
  • Sky Chart - click to enlarge
    What's in the Sky this evening?

Information for Visitors:
We are having about 25 different science stations for this event. There is no set rotating schedule. Parents and kids will rotate on their own time schedule. Some will spend a few minutes at a station and others will spend a longer time period. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated. We would love to have the Atlanta Astromony Club if if works with your schedule! Thank you for considering it.

Location Details

Sagamore Hills Elementary

1865 Alderbrook Rd. NE

Atlanta, GA 30345

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Sagamore Hills Website

We are having about 25 different science stations for this event. There is no set rotating schedule. Parents and kids will rotate on their own time schedule. Some will spend a few minutes at a station and others will spend a longer time period. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated. We would love to have the Atlanta Astromony Club if if works with your schedule! Thank you for considering it.