The Lyrids meteor shower passes by Earth every year around April 16-25. This year the peak is expected to occur shortly before dawn on April 23rd, but as it occurs during a very bright phase of the Moon, viewing conditions will be poor this year..  

The number of meteors can vary, and very rarely reach  "storm" levels of frequency, but on a very dark and moonless night, a very lucky and sharp observer may be able to see 10-20 meteors per hour. As there will be a lot of glare from the Moon, you will not see nearly that amount of meteors this year - maybe the brightest one or two an hour, at best.

If you want to try to spot some meteors you may want to bundle up as it's still a bit chilly at night for most folks in the Northern Hemisphere! Get to a dark spot, get comfortable, bring extra blankets to stay warm, and let your eyes adjust to the dark sky. A cozy lounge chair makes for a great seat, as does simply lying on your back on a blanket, eyes scanning the whole sky.

Find out more Lyrid observing tips for this year courtesy EarthSky . The Night Sky Network has a handout that you may find useful for your meteor watching party: Heads Up: It's a Meteor Shower Handout!
Radiant point of the Lyrid meteor shower
Image of the radiant of the Lyrid Meteor Shower, courtesy EarthSky

Date: Thursday, 4/22/2021

Time: 10:00 PM - 5:00 AM