
The Star party/Meteor shower watch will take place Saturday night after midnight, location for the watch is at the Ft Pierce Inlet jetty Park(south Side of the inlet). The waning crescent moon will rise around midnight, only somewhat obscuring the Perseid display during the shower's actual peak. The moonlight shouldn't be so overwhelming as to ruin the show. These typically fast and bright meteors radiate from a point in the constellation Perseus the Hero. You don't need to know Perseus to watch the shower because the meteors appear in all parts of the sky. The Perseids are considered by many people to be the year's best shower, and often peak at 50 or more meteors per hour in a dark sky. The Perseids tend to strengthen in number as late night deepens into midnight, and typically produce the most meteors in the wee hours before dawn. These meteors are often bright and frequently leave persistent trains

Date: Saturday, August 11 - Sunday, August 12, 2012

Time: 11:30 p.m. - 6 a.m. Eastern

Information for Visitors


Tue 3/25/2025
7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Eastern
TCAS Meeting IRSC Hallstrom Planetarium
3209 Virgina Ave
Building N
Fort Pierce, FL
Wed 4/2/2025
7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Eastern
Hallstrom Planetarium IRSC Hallstrom Planetarium
3209 Virgina Ave
Building N
Fort Pierce, FL
Fri 4/4/2025
7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Eastern
Hallstrom Planetarium IRSC Hallstrom Planetarium
3209 Virgina Ave
Building N
Fort Pierce, FL
Sat 4/5/2025
11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Eastern
Hallstrom Planetarium IRSC Hallstrom Planetarium
3209 Virgina Ave
Building N
Fort Pierce, FL