
Astronomy Weekends (3rd & 4th)
Fall Creek Falls State Park is exceptionally well suited to night sky viewing. Make plans to attend any or all of the Astronomy Weekends to discuss constellations and spatial relationships in the solar system. Telescope viewing will also be offered, weather permitting. For more information, email Lloyd Watkins at watkinslk@comcast.net, or visit www.CumberlandAstronomicalSociety.org.

Would you like to learn about the night sky, the use of telescopes, star wheels, and binoculars, and why the seasons occur? Join us at the lobby of the Fall Creek Falls Inn on the following weekends to learn about all these things and observe distant galaxies, planets, exploding stars, and beautiful star fields through several large telescopes.

Fall Creek Falls Astronomy Weekends - Astronomy in the Parks

Date: Friday, June 3 - Saturday, June 4, 2016

Time: 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Central

Location: State of Tennessee Fall Creek Falls State Park
2009 Village Camp Road
Pikeville, TN 37367
Spencer, Tennessee, TN 37367

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Information for Visitors

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Location Details

State of Tennessee Fall Creek Falls State Park
The observation field will be opened at 2:00pm Friday for setup and will close Sunday by 12:00pm. The Inn, at FCFSP, will run a special for lodging and breakfast for the weekend. Please call the Inn (423-881-5241) for more information.

2009 Village Camp Road
Pikeville, TN 37367
Spencer, Tennessee, TN 37367
(click to get directions)

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Fall Creek Falls State Resort Park is a state park in Middle Tennessee, located between Pikeville and Spencer. The 20,000-acre (81 km2) park spans the boundary between Van Buren and Bledsoe counties. The park is centered on the upper Cane Creek Gorge, an area known for its unique geological formations and scenic waterfalls. The park's namesake is the 256-foot (78 m) Fall Creek Falls, the highest free-fall waterfall east of the Mississippi River.

Event Report

Comments and anecdotes about the event:
We host a class about 1 to 1.5 hours before sunset. Once dark, we move to the scopes for viewing. We have several scopes setup on different objects...planets, nebula and galaxies to name a few. This event we still have Saturn visible for a few moments before it disappears into horizon
Photo From Fall Creek Falls Astronomy Weekends - Astronomy in the Parks
J.D. Powell Photographer
Photo From Fall Creek Falls Astronomy Weekends - Astronomy in the Parks
J.D. Powell Photographer Here is the setup on the field.