Cloud cover cancels this event. Check this webpage two hours prior to the start of the event for any cancellation announcement.
Help us promote this event. Download this 8-1/2 x 11 flyer, print it out, and post it at your school or your workplace or your local coffee shop or your local library...
An evening of stargazing open to the public at Garland Ranch Regional Park, in cooperation with the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District (MPRPD). Telescopes, binoculars and a universe of knowledge are provided by members of the MIRA Astronomy Club. This evening's theme is "Spring Stars".
Here is a brief description and some some tips, as presented on the back page of MPRPD's Let's Go Outdoors! brochure:
EVENT REGISTRATION: On-line registration for this event at the MPRPD website opens on April 17th. To register, click here, then click on "Star Gazing" in the program headings, then scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and select this event. Registrants will receive email (or text?) notification if the event is canceled due to cloud cover.
Prior to attending this event, please review our guidelines on public star party etiquette.
Scroll down to the bottom of this posting for an interactive map of this event's location. Below is a map detailing where to park and how to walk to the Visitor Center, where the telescopes will be set up:
Notes to participating MIRA Astronomy Club members: volunteers are needed for this event! Click here to confirm if you plan to participate with your telescope (or tripod-mounted binoculars). The event is scheduled to begin at sunset, which is at 8:10pm. Therefore, plan to arrive with your stargazing equipment between 6:30pm and 7:00pm, to give yourself adequate time to unpack, move your car, and set up your equipment. Parking is available near the Visitor Center, as shown in the map below:
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025
Time: 8:15 p.m. - 10:15 p.m. Pacific
Garland Ranch Regional Park
700 W. Carmel Valley Road
Carmel Valley, CA 93924