
This talk will summarize the history of the search for exoplanets, beginning in 1938, and leading to NASA’s plans for the Habitable Worlds Observatory, a space telescope planned for launch around 2045, intended to detect and characterize Earth-like worlds.

This is a virtual presentation by Dr. Boss –Join your colleagues at GMU or join him virtually using Google Meet

Join your NOVAC colleagues in person at GMU:

Meet at George Mason University, Exploratory Hall, Room 3301. Check GMU web site for nearby parking options. Some lots or garages do charge for parking.

Room will be open as early as 7:00 pm. for socializing ahead of the meeting. 

GMU Maps and Directions link:  https://info.gmu.edu/campus-maps-and-directions/

Join virtually using Google Meet:

Video call link: meet.google.com/cbf-jusw-dsm

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 252-344-1407 PIN: ‪ ‪937 923 741‬#

7:00 pm Join the online meeting for participant open discussion
7:30 pm NOVAC news, announcements and events
8:00-9:00 pm Dr. Rau’s presentation

Presentation Details

Talk Title: Are there planets like Earth around other stars?


Dr. Alan P. Boss is an astronomer and theoretical astrophysicist at the Carnegie Institution for Science who models the formation of stellar and planetary systems. Boss has been involved with NASA’s efforts to detect exoplanets since 1988. He currently chairs NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program Technology Assessment Committee and chaired the Independent Review Team for the Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph.  Boss has published three books on the history of exoplanet searches. The third book, “Universal Life: An Inside Look Behind The Race to Discover Life Beyond Earth”, was published in 2019 by the Oxford University Press. 

Date: Sunday, March 9, 2025

Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Eastern

Location: George Mason University Fairfax Campus, Exploratory Hall, Room 3301
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030

Information for Visitors

Location Details

George Mason University Fairfax Campus, Exploratory Hall, Room 3301