
Duvall Star Gaze
This public Star Gaze event is authorized by the City of Duvall Parks & Recreation Department.  The event is free of charge and located at Field #2 of the Big Rock Ball Fields in Duvall (28460 NE Big Rock Road).  Setup begins at 4:00pm and the field lights will go off at 5:00pm.
Experienced astronomer volunteers from the Seattle Astronomical Society (SAS) bring their telescopes to share with the public.  Everyone is welcome, including families with children.  The Moon is near its "first quarter" phase with the crescent Moon following the setting Sun and good dark skies favorable for stargazing.  Feel free to bring your own telescope!
Please practice good dark sky etiquette when attending this event. Park in the lower lot near the street.  If that lot is full please park in the lot as far from the middle field as you can with your headlights facing away from the fields.  Bring red flashlights only, or cover your flashlight with red light filter film or a red translucent plastic.  It can take 20-40 minutes for night vision to be restored if a bright white light illuminates the telescope field.
Check the SAS website (www.seattleastro.org) for star gazing event status.  If weather conditions force cancellation of an event, that news will be posted no later than 12PM (noon) the day of the event. 

Seattle Astronomical Society - Duvall Star Party

Date: Friday, December 6, 2024

Time: 4 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Pacific

Location: Big Rock Park
28430 Northeast Big Rock Road
Duvall, WA 98019

Information for Visitors
Instructions for the Public:

Please practice good dark sky etiquette when attending this event. Park in the lower lot near the street.  If that lot is full please park in the lot as far from the middle field as you can with your headlights facing away from the fields.  Bring red flashlights only, or cover your flashlight with red light filter film or a red translucent plastic.  It can take 20-40 minutes for night vision to be restored if a bright white light illuminates the telescope field.

Location Details