We will be holding our January meeting for members and guests starting at 1:15 PM in Berliner Hall of Hofstra University, 1st floor, California Avenue (just south of Hempstead Turnpike). Parking is in the lot on Huntington Place across the side street. AOS meetings include observing reports and guest speaker talks on astronomy topics and are held once a month.
We are excited to have as our guest this month Dr. Mark J. McCaughrean, affiliated with the European Space Agency, who will join us in discussion of his current paper under review regarding JuMBOS's - Jupiter Mass Binary Objects located in the Trapezium Cluster of the Orion Nebula.
This will be a hybrid meeting via WebEx. Non-members please contact our Secretary for an invitation to attend at AOSSecretary@aosny.org.
We are excited to have as our guest this month Dr. Mark J. McCaughrean, affiliated with the European Space Agency, who will join us in discussion of his current paper under review regarding JuMBOS's - Jupiter Mass Binary Objects located in the Trapezium Cluster of the Orion Nebula.
This will be a hybrid meeting via WebEx. Non-members please contact our Secretary for an invitation to attend at AOSSecretary@aosny.org.
Date: Sunday, January 7, 2024
Time: 1:15 p.m. - 4 p.m. Eastern
Berliner Hall at Hofstra University
California Avenue and Huntington Place
Uniondale, NY 11510