
ASH members are invited for a night of camaraderie and the challenge of observing all of the Messier objects.
Join us at the Naylor Observatory for a dusk to dawn - full night of observing (weather permitting).
Dress warm, bring snacks, bring your scope or just yourself and stop by. Stay as long or short as you like.
The site will be open late afternoon for ASH members to stop by and set-up their telescopes.

Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025

Time: 5 p.m. Eastern

Location: Edward L. Naylor Astronomical Center and Observatory
670 Observatory Drive
Lewisberry, PA 17339

Information for Visitors

Location Details

Edward L. Naylor Astronomical Center and Observatory
The Naylor Observatory is located at 670 Observatory Dr. in Lewisberry, PA. GPS coordinates: 40 08 57 N -76 53 42 W Our gravel driveway is next to the two brick columns marking our neighbor's paved driveway. Be careful of crossing the road lane when turning into the driveway, as there is a blind spot there due to the road rise. Also - be on the lookout for deer. The observatory driveway is gravel and runs uphill to the observatory buildings. There is no on-street parking. Please use dim and/or parking lights only while on the Observatory property and park on the grass on the left side of our driveway. All visitors are asked to stop in and sign in at the Asper Classroom Building before proceeding to the telescopes. Members are typically on hand to direct visitors and to help answer any questions. As this is a working observatory, please no running or roughhousing on the grounds or near the equipment. Parents, please be mindful of your child's location. Observing is an outdoor activity and the grounds are uneven with a short (approx 20 yrd) walk uphill from the classroom to the telescope observatories. The evening and night temperatures tend to be colder than in the day, especially in the Spring and Fall seasons. While a classroom building with restroom facilities is available on-site, the observatories are open and non-heated spaces. Please dress accordingly.

When on Observatory Drive, look for a large white sign that has our name and address on it. There are also two driveways, one that is paved and one that is stone. The stone driveway leads to the observatory grounds.


Sun 3/16/2025
8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern
Public Observing-Open House at Naylor Observatory Edward L. Naylor Astronomical Center and Observatory
670 Observatory Drive
Lewisberry, PA
Sat 3/29/2025
5 p.m. Eastern
ASH Member Messier Marathon Edward L. Naylor Astronomical Center and Observatory
670 Observatory Drive
Lewisberry, PA
Sun 4/13/2025
8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Eastern
Public Observing-Open House at Naylor Observatory Edward L. Naylor Astronomical Center and Observatory
670 Observatory Drive
Lewisberry, PA
Mon 4/14/2025
7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Eastern
ASH general membership meeting