Astronomy Weekends (3rd & 4th)
Fall Creek Falls State Park is exceptionally well suited to night sky viewing. Make plans to attend any or all of the Astronomy Weekends to discuss constellations and spatial relationships in the solar system. Telescope viewing will also be offered, weather permitting. For more information, email Lloyd Watkins at, or visit
Would you like to learn about the night sky, the use of telescopes, star wheels, and binoculars, and why the seasons occur? Join us at the lobby of the Fall Creek Falls Inn on the following weekends to learn about all these things and observe distant galaxies, planets, exploding stars, and beautiful star fields through several large telescopes.
Fall Creek Falls Astronomy Weekends - Astronomy in the Parks
Date: Friday, June 3 - Saturday, June 4, 2016
Time: 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Central
State of Tennessee Fall Creek Falls State Park
2009 Village Camp Road
Pikeville, TN 37367
Spencer, Tennessee, TN 37367