Cloud cover cancels this event. Check this webpage four hours prior to the start of the event for any cancellation announcement.
Club Members Only Star Party (not a public event)
Join other club members for an evening (or all night!) of casual stargazing at the Pinnacles National Park west entrance parking lot. This club-members-focused event has a theme: "Messier Marathon".
What is a "Messier Marathon"?
A Messier Marathon is an attempt to view as many Messier objects as possible in one night. If the weather cooperates and the skies are clear all night, it is theoretically possible to view nearly all 110 objects in the Messier Catalog during this event, starting at dusk and ending before morning twilight. Learn more about the history of Messier Marathons here.
While some club members intend to spend the entire night searching for Messier objects, all club members are welcome to spend as little or as much time at this event as they wish, doing whatever stargazing as they wish. For those of you who do not own a telescope but still want to view Messier objects this evening, come on out and look through MIRA-provided telescopes.
What is the Messier Catalog?
The Messier Catalog is a list of 110 of some of the brightest "deep sky" (outside of our solar system) celestial objects visible from northern latitudes, initially created by the French astronomer Charles Messier in the late 18th century. This list includes star clusters, nebulae, galaxies and one supernova remnant! Nearly all of these objects are visible through small amateur telescopes. Some are even naked-eye objects.
Telescope Clinic
Got a telescope but do not know how to use it? Bring it to this event and let another club member teach you how. If interested, contact me so that I can pair you with another club member. (If you show up with a telescope unanounced, there may not be anyone available to help you.)
About Pinnacles National Park West Entrance Parking Lot
Pinnacles National Park's west entrance parking lot is a favorite of Monterey Bay area and south San Francisco Bay area amateur astronomers, due to its higher elevation (~1,800ft) sky quality (21.86SQM, Bortle Class 3) and relatively close proximity (one hour, 46 miles from MIRA offices). So expect non-club members to be there with their own equipment.
Below is an overhead view of the event location:
The west entrance has a motion-triggered entrance gate. This gate closes for the night at 8:00pm.
No camping or overnight sleeping is allowed in the west entrance parking lot. As long as you stay awake during your entire stargazing session, the rangers should leave you alone.
This event location is subject to a National Park entrance pass fee. The one-time, one vehicle fee is $30. Click here for more information and to purchase your entrance pass on-line. (There is no on-site cash payment option.)
Date: Saturday, March 29 - Sunday, March 30, 2025
Time: 7:30 p.m. - 7 a.m. Pacific
Pinnacles West National Park
31251 California 146
Soledad, CA 93960