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Embed this calendar on your website

Use this form to generate the embed code below.

  • Responsive (100% width of container)
    Fixed (pixel dimensions)

Generated embed code


  • Club: Select a specific club or the entire Night Sky Network.
  • Zip Code/Distance: When entire network selected, provides a way to see only events near a given zip code.
    • Note: Providing both a club and zip/distance will produce only events that match both rules
  • Mode: "Both" will give the user the option to switch between list and calendar.
  • Size: Select a responsive or fixed-width calendar. Responsive calendars will be 100% width, however you will still need to specify the height. "Fixed" requires you to specify the width and height or select the preset size.
    • Note: if the width is below 480, list mode will be activated, regardless of the chosen mode.
  • Copy the generated embed code into the website.
  • Changes to this form will immediately change the preview and generated code.