Celebrating InSight's Successful Mars Landing
- 11/27/2018
Night Sky Network members celebrate InSight's safe landing alongside astronaut Mike Massimino on the floor of the NASDAQ. Photo Credit: NASA/Joel Kowsky
NASA's latest mission to Mars, Interior ExploratioN using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) successfully landed on Mars on November 26, 2018. Some of the Night Sky Network's most active local members from the Amateur Observers' Society of NY and the Amateur Astronomers Association of NY were on hand at Times Square to witness the event. Live coverage of the landing was shown on the seven-story TV screen wrapped around the NASQAD building in Times Square. After a successful landing, they joined astronaut Mike Massimino on the NASDAQ floor to ring the closing bell. Although a rainy day in NYC, spirits were high as they celebrated achieving this difficult feat alongside other NASA representatives and enthusiasts. 
Mission Control on the side of the NASDAQ building. Photo credit: Linda Prince
InSight's descent through the Martian atmosphere took just six minutes after a cruise period of almost seven months from Earth. InSight initially deployed a tough parachute, followed by a dozen retrorockets, before finally landing with its three shock-absorbing legs onto "the biggest parking lot on Mars": Elysium Planitia. The enormous Martian plain was chosen due to its flat and smooth terrain - as its nickname by the mission engineers implies - to ensure as safe landing for the probe as possible.

InSight will deploy its instruments to the dusty Martian surface via a mechanical claw arm over the course of the next several months. After its seismometer is safely deployed and its temperature probe is hammered fifteen feet into the Martian soil and rock, InSight will begin its study of the interior of Mars. How seismically active is Mars? What is the temperature deep inside of Mars? What is the structure of Mars' core? Just how big is the core, and how stable? The answers to these questions will help scientists' better understand not just the history of Mars, but all the inner rocky planets of our solar system, including our own Earth.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The news from inSight has only just begun! You can keep up with the latest from the NASA InSight Mission via their official Facebook page and Twitter feed and receive updates as they uncover some of the deepest mysteries of Mars.
Last Updated: November 27, 2018

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