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Girl Scouts Release New Space Science Badges

Girl Scouts Release New Space Science Badges

  • 09/04/2018

Image Credit: Girl Scouts of Northern California

The Girl Scouts of the USA recently released new Space Science Badges for Girl Scout Daisies (Grades K-1), Brownies (Grades 2-3), and Juniors (Grade 4-5) with badges for grades 6-12 scheduled for release in Fall 2019. Each badge has a step encouraging troops to connect with their local astronomy club--and that’s you!

preview images of girl scout space science badge booklets

Image Credit: GSUSA and SETI Institute

These badges offer a sampling of space science activities for girls; appetizers to encourage their interest in astronomy. To earn the badge, Daisies (scouts in kindergarten and first grade) complete three steps which offer two activity choices per step. Girls in second grade and beyond complete five steps to earn their badge, with each step offering three activity choices. These choices keep the badges girl led, which is a one of the three Girl Scout processes designed by the Girl Scout Research Institute, along with cooperative learning, and learning by doing.

How can you best prepare for doing astronomy with Girl Scouts? The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is offering online and in-person workshops for amateur astronomers who want to be more welcoming to girls at the telescope. The Night Sky Network has created a outreach resource page with resources about effective outreach tools for working with girls, information about  the forementionedupcoming workshops, how you can support badge content at the telescope and more -we will be adding new resources every few months. You can visit the page at:

As a bonus, NSN member clubs that regularly log their events will receive copies of the new badge booklets for the space science badging programs as they become available!

And thanks for all you do to keep astronomy inclusive and inspiring for all!


photo of young woman looking through a telescope at the sun
Photo Credit: Girl Scouts of Northern California

Last Updated: September 4, 2018


 Logo for Night Sky Network featuring child and astronomer observing the skyNight Sky Network members are committed to bringing astronomy to the public!  NASA/JPL, the ASP, and additional partners proudly support member clubs' outreach events with a variety of free materials and tools in exchange for posting and reporting their events to the NSN calendar system, including: outreach toolkits, quarterly prizes, handouts, webinars with NASA scientists, along with increased visibility for upcoming events posted to the public calendar.

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Logo for the Astronomical Society of the PacificThe NASA Night Sky Network is managed by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. The ASP is a 501c3 non-profit organization advancing science literacy through astronomy.