News & Resources

Extremophiles: Life in the Extreme [Activity - Life In the Universe]

Extremophiles: Life in the Extreme [Activity - Life In the Universe]

  • Daytime Event
  • Inside Venue
  • Outside Venue
  • Target Audience
  • Adult, Child, Teen
  • 06/16/2011
Find out about the extreme conditions that life can not only survive in, but thrive! This activity can lead to lively discussions about the latest NASA science on other worlds in our solar system, and if these watery worlds contain the conditions for life as we know it.

Participants are each given one of 14 examples of extremophiles, organisms found in some of the toughest conditions on Earth. They sort themselves into groups according to the various preferences of their organisms. Finally, they discover that all known life on Earth requires liquid water to survive and grow.

The links below contain a description of this activity and also a printable PDF containing all of the cards, which you can print on regular paper or cardstock.

Uploaded: June 2011


Activity Video: Life in the Extreme

Demonstration of the activity.