News & Resources

Why Doesn't It Look Like the Photos? [Activity - Telescopes: Eyes on the Universe]

Why Doesn't It Look Like the Photos? [Activity - Telescopes: Eyes on the Universe]

  • Daytime Event
  • Inside Venue
  • Outside Venue
  • Target Audience
  • Adult, Child, Teen
  • 09/18/2009

This set of activities provides tools to help your visitors understand the two main reasons views through the telescope do not look like photographs from NASA's space telescopes and popular astrophotographers:

  • Exposure time: why photographs have so much more detail than the view through the telescope.
  • Some photographs are showing representational color: Different energies of light and why NASA needs so many different kinds of telescopes to detect that energy.

You can also watch a further exploration of this activity via the Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP) webinar on YouTube:

Uploaded: September 2009  /  Last Updated: June 2017


Why Doesn't It Look Like the Photos?

Demonstration of the activity on YouTube.