News & Resources

Pocket Solar System [Activity - Exploring the Solar System]

Pocket Solar System [Activity - Exploring the Solar System]

  • Daytime Event
  • Inside Venue
  • Outside Venue
  • Target Audience
  • Adult, Child, Teen
  • 08/20/2009

How far apart is everything in our solar system? It can be hard to imagine, but this activity can help! Try out this simple Pocket Solar System activity that is sure to get an "Ah-ha!" moment from your visitors. Using a strip of paper (you can even grab some from a roll of toilet paper!), construct a quick scale model of the distances between the orbits of the planets, the Asteroid Belt, and Pluto as part of the Kuiper Belt.

This resource is part of the Exploring the Solar System Toolkit.

Uploaded: August 20, 2009


Pocket Solar System

Demonstration of the activity on YouTube.