News & Resources

Worlds of the Solar System: Make a Scale Model [Activity & Handout - Exploring the Solar System]

Worlds of the Solar System: Make a Scale Model [Activity & Handout - Exploring the Solar System]

  • Daytime Event
  • Inside Venue
  • Outside Venue
  • Target Audience
  • Adult, Child, Teen
  • 10/28/2008

Use a set of scaled balls and beads to show the relative sizes of the planets, the Moon, Ceres, and Pluto to each other and to the Sun. This permanent model can be used over and over again in many ways. Handout included,and can be downloaded separately.

This resource is part of the Exploring the Solar System Toolkit.

Uploaded: October 28, 2008


Activity Video: Worlds of the Solar System - Make a Scale Model

Demonstration of the activity.