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Monthly Night Sky Notes [Article to use in Club Newsletters]

Monthly Night Sky Notes [Article to use in Club Newsletters]

  • Target Audience
  • Adult, Teen
  • 06/17/2024

The NASA Night Sky Network provides monthly articles featuring the latest stargazing and NASA news to share with your organization's readership. Sign up here to get an email notification when each new edition is released or check back here around the 15th of each month. Download our latest article below.


Artist rendition of comet nucleus sizes ranging from 1 mile to 85 miles.


November 2024 Edition

Snowballs from Space

Get ready for the next comet and find out how comets are connected to some of our favorite annual astronomy events with November's Night Sky Notes!


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Images Only: 
Comet McNaught
Perseid Meteor Shower
BONUS IMAGE - Comet Nucleus Size Comparison

View article as Web Page

Updated October 15, 2024

Attribution text: 

This article is distributed by the NASA Night Sky Network, a coalition of hundreds of astronomy clubs across the US dedicated to astronomy outreach. Visit to find local clubs, events, stargazing info and more.


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NSN logo featuring a child and adult using a telescope to stargazE                                   



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NOTE: The What's Up This Month video will be posted below on the 1st of each month. Find daily observing tips and tools on the Night Sky Planner page. 

The Louis Cruls Astronomy Club often posts translations of these articles in Portuguese shortly after each edition is released to their Facebook Page. The NSN extends our thanks for their awesome work!


What's Up from JPL (Full Playlist)

Find out what's in the sky each month in this monthly video series by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.