News & Resources

Five Quick Tools for Girl-Friendly Events

Five Quick Tools for Girl-Friendly Events

  • 03/01/2022
Girls Scouts observing the Moon and Venus at James Island County Park. 
Image Credit: J. Messeroff / Lowcountry Stargazers

How can you make your public astronomy programs even more out of this world? By making them more welcoming to everyone! These easy-to-use welcoming techniques will take your public engagement to the next level. 

The Night Sky Network and Reach for the Stars: NASA Science for Girl Scouts have teamed up to offer a set of five short videos for amateur astronomers about best practices for engaging girls (and Girl Scouts) with astronomy.   
Each video gives clear ideas for making your events more welcoming by making small changes in everyday interactions with the public. Concepts such as Growth Mindset and Questioning Techniques are proven to increase engagement with girls and everyone! 
Logo - 5 Tips for Girls-Friendly Astronomy Events, a Confidence and Curiosity Video Series

Watch the videos yourself, share with your club in a meeting, or send to your outreach team. The website has additional resources to dive deeper into the concepts and practice the techniques as a club. Together, clubs can make star parties and other astronomy events places where everyone feels welcome and encouraged. 
Find out more about the Space Science Badges
and ways to connect as amateur astronomers on our
dedicated Girl Scout Outreach Resource page. 

Last Updated: 23 February 2022
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Logo for Night Sky Network featuring child and astronomer observing the skyNight Sky Network (NSN) member clubs are dedicated to bringing the wonders of space and NASA science to folks across the USA.NSN program participation provides clubs with tools and resources to assist in their public outreach. 

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The NASA Night Sky Network is managed by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. The ASP is a 501c3 non-profit organization advancing science literacy through astronomy.